Today email has become an efficient medium for professional conversations. Every second, thousands of emails are being shared all over the world. Email platforms like Gmail are enormously popular today because of the easy access they provide to users. Emailing is an essential part of marketing for architects, designers and allied professionals. Being able to write catchy emails opens doors for a world of opportunities for your online presence. 

However, the ability to write useful emails doesn’t come easy in a world that is overflowing with spammers and phishing scams. With Google updating its spam regulation rules every once in a while, it gets even more challenging to write emails that leave their mark on the recipient. 

Here are five tips for writing better emails as an architect:


1. Focus on Value; Don’t Spam

Focus on the quality of the content or service you are providing and nothing else!

Emails that sound like bragging are the ones that go straight to the junk folder. Nothing shouts spam like an email written in a very self-centred way without giving any context to the mail. The world runs on value. The only thing people are interested in giving their time and attention to is something useful to them. It is, therefore, essential that every mail gives out something to the reader without taking too much of time.


2. Write Compelling Subject Lines

The most important part of your email is the subject lines. You have to convince the person to open the mail in 45-60 characters!

Writing good subject lines is something that gets better with time. As you start sending emails to your audience, all you need to do is ask yourself whether they will be interested in reading the mail. Keep trying out things and keep a tab on what’s working for you.

Write direct, appropriate, short subject lines that grab attention. You can also write commonly asked questions as the subject.


3. Add Visuals

Adding visuals to your emails can have a distinct effect on your readers. Having appropriate, to the point, valuable visuals and graphics in your emails can make it highly likely for your reader to follow through the links to your firm’s website.

Design apps like Canva are immensely helpful for people who have no background in graphic designing.

Adding videos and pictures relevant to your emails can increase the clickthrough rate by 96%. However, take care not to overdo this. As mentioned before, it is the value your mail is providing that sells you projects, not highly pretentious stock images.


4. Add Appropriate Links

Adding relevant links in your emails is not an option. If you’re writing an email for the first time, take time to find out the best and most relevant articles to be linked in the mail. Think like your consumer/client, and you can never go wrong! Keep doing your thing and find out what’s working for you.


5. Schedule your Emails

Check out the stats from your social media and find out the times your posts are blowing up! The times for high engagement peaks can be very variable for different people. Some research says Tuesday mornings see the most email engagement while others say an hour after lunch. These claims are something very controversial today, and ultimately it depends on the demographics of your audience.

However, scheduling your emails at the same time every week can be excellent for your email marketing.

Write concise, to-the-point emails with appropriate links and visuals. Try making the experience of reading your emails enjoyable for your readers and not something that only adds to their cluttered inbox.