Creating valuable content on the internet is not easy. Content creation and content profiling can prove to be exhausting, especially for someone in a profession as demanding as that of an architect’s.

However, with technology rapidly taking over every aspect of our lives, it comes off as no surprise that the field of content marketing is going to be influenced by technologies like AI.

Artificial Intelligence is a revolution in technology that makes it possible for machines to learn algorithms, communicate among themselves and make things significantly more comfortable for us! From construction and industry to healthcare and education, Artificial intelligence can find numerous applications across the globe.

AI can be a highly efficient tool for architects taking on content marketing to expand their practice. Here are five ways AI can make content marketing very easy for you:


1. Real-time, Data-Driven Feedback

Imagine a world where you don’t have to watch your site stats fall before you know a particular strategy isn’t working for you.

The buzzword “Content Intelligence” is already gaining momentum in today’s world. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines content intelligence as the systems and software that transform data and business content data into actionable insights for content strategy and tactics with impact.

A content marketing strategy doesn’t come easy. Firms spend hours of valuable time in monitoring and keeping up with the trends. With Artificial Intelligence, you get your hands on real-time data that allows you to take better decisions rapidly! Your time is a valuable asset. With AI, you can manage your content marketing strategy way better than before.


2. Better Content Profiling

So many SEO service platforms in the market are offering site audits and content profiling already. However, with AI content profiling is going to be improved significantly. Site audits will be very quick and accurate, and within seconds you can get a picture of what’s working for you.

AI can crawl through your posts and let you know which of them are lacking depth and influence. Moreover, it will come up with ideas to improve your outdated posts.


3. Relevant Content Ideas

Forget about every relapsing into the dark alleys of writer’s block. AI lets you choose scores of content ideas driving inspiration from enormous amounts of data.

With AI content marketing tools, you will get to know what topics are going to drive maximum engagement for your content. The competitive research survey generated by AI is extraordinarily accurate and help content marketers by providing topic clusters to pursue.

AI-based tools like HubSpot’s content marketing tool are already helping marketers drive massive organic traffic to their website.


4. Content Generation using AI

Yes, its exactly as it sounds!

AI can use algorithms to create content automatically for companies. The learning ability of AI helps it to improve significantly the quality of the content it produces. Natural Language Generation is a revolutionary technology that powers AI-based content generation.

AI and bots are already writing stock market reports and news updates. Heliograf, a robot reporter from Washington Post, writes regularly and came up with 850 articles in the past year.


5. AI facilitates Personalised Content Creation

With efficient market research and studying customer behaviour, AI algorithms can create tailor-made content strategies targeting individual consumers.

Hyper personalised content marketing strategy allows you to stay relevant regardless of the age group you are targetting!

Technologies like AI can revolutionise the field of content marketing. Marketers can come up with better strategies to target their audience, and gain engagement on their content!
