Houzz is a platform that specialises in bringing clients and architects together. The main objective of this platform was to enable easy interaction for people to architects, designers and renovators. Like any other social media platform, Houzz can be an excellent medium of marketing for architects. 

As essential project managers, architects have to have a good repertoire with their colleagues and subordinates. Houzz helps you build a strong network of people who are much related to your profession. 

While the possibilities with Houzz for architects are endless, reaping the maximum benefits requires a carefully planned strategy as it does in all other online platforms. 

The following are seven tips that one can use to make the most of Houzz:

1. Use the High-Quality Imagery on the profile

Thanks to an overwhelming number of scammers on the internet, having a complete profile is probably the most critical act one has to take on social media if they are to appear genuine and trustworthy. 

And Houzz for architects is no different in this sense.

Having professional-looking good pictures of yourself, your brand and your projects are of utmost importance. People are generally more likely to go through your profile if you’ve used good photography and visuals. 

A cover photo is an essential component of the profile. Make sure it’s showing your best work. With decent 3D modelling using essential software, the possibilities are endless. 


Image courtesy: vulcanpost.com

2. Regularly Update the Page

Stop posting, and you will disappear; This is a general rule for every social media platform out there. 

Social media platforms keep an eye on your engagements. One way to keep your numbers up is to keep on regularly updating your profile, and this is an excellent way to show the world that you’re active and alive in the profession! 

More engagement on your page means more projects in your portfolio.

3. Respond

Whenever a potential client is interested in an architect, they can contact them on Houzz. Make sure you take time out to respond to engagements on your posts or any messages you have received. 

Just the simple practice of engaging in conversations with potential clients will nourish your design acumen. You will be getting ideas for projects from the conversations that seem insignificant to you! 

Keep your eyes open and listen to your client well. The simple practice of responding makes you an authentic personality among the potential clients as well as your peers. 

4. Do your Keyword research: Keep it relevant

With so many architects, designers, renovators and real estate agents on Houzz, it can become impossible for you to be visible without fair keyword usage. Architects who get the most opportunities from these platforms are those whose profiles appear on the website’s Social Engine Result Pages (SERPS). 

The optimisation can be done by including keywords in all the write-ups on the user’s profile. The key to scoring well here is to m=be very specific and relevant about your work. Get into the details of what kinds of projects you have in your portfolio and share your area of expertise. 

5. Ask for Customer Reviews

Showing positive testimonials from former clients is a great way to build trust with prospective customers on Houzz for architects. Having good reviews helps you rank higher and therefore, increases your visibility. Additionally, address the negative points in your work and establish an environment of healthy reinforcement. 

6. Get a Houzz Badge

One interesting feature, pretty much very unique to Houzz is the variety of badges that an architect can get attached to their blog or website. The following are some of them. 

  • Best of Houzz. This badge is for architects who have been voted best in their category by the Houzz community. 
  • The Influencer badge. This badge is for the architects who offer the most useful advice liberally to other members of the community.
  • Featured on Houzz. This badge is for an architect whose project made it in one of the platform’s editorials.

The Houzz badges allow an architect to showcase their expertise and popularity in the community. 

 7. Create an Idea Book

A Houzz Idea Book is an exciting section on the profile where an architect can record and show off their design ideas. These may be completed projects or merely new concepts and materials they intend to try out.

Having a well-organised Idea book can attract clients like nothing! Add 3D modelling and give wings to your ideas.