Photo © Noah Forbes

The idea

When Rachel Johnson, one of the founders of Rupee Bar, visited South Asia in the ‘90s, she had little idea what influence this journey was going to have on her life. The ancient texts, the vibrant, diverse culture, the heavenly panoramas and most importantly, the “finger-licking good” cuisine- The Indian subcontinent had it all.

Soon after making several trips to India in the span of a few years, Rachel recently visited along with Joe Sundberg, Patrick Thalasinos, the other two founders, and their executive chef Kenyon. The founding trio accompanied by their executive chef were in for an extended trip in Sri Lanka. This trip to the subcontinent is where the inspiration came for introducing foreign cuisine to the streets of Seattle. A bar that will soon go on to make an appearance in the GQ magazine!


However, Rupee bar is not the trio’s first project, but a follow up to their first well-established restaurant, Manolin – also designed in collaboration with the same architect- Heliotrope Architects.

Rupee Bar

Photo © Aaron Leitz


Design and acclaim

Designed in collaboration with Heliotrope Architects, the bar with its soothing architecture and exotic interior design stands out in the beautiful Seattle ambience. The aesthetics of Rupee bar has taken it to new heights, setting new standards in the field of architecture.

Rupee Bar

Photo © Noah Forbes

Owing to its comforting oregano walnut woodworks and vibrant peacock green accent complimented by the polished brass trim elements and Indian clay tiles, the Seattle-based bar made headlines in an online architecture magazine, designraid. A brainchild of Architecture Lab, designraid is an excellent medium for marketing for architects and an authority on social media for architects and design enthusiasts!

Rupee Bar

Photo © Noah Forbes

With a spacious 700 sq ft space and a seating capacity of 26, the Rupee bar carries with itself a comforting air of mouth-watering aroma of curries, Chutneys, Naans and pickles, inviting starry-eyed passersby for an exquisite taste of incredible India!