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Emails that convert: Email Writing for Architects

In a world increasingly inching towards digitization, email is one of the most preferred forms of professional communication. This is why at this point, writing effective emails is a valuable skill. Creative email writing is a thing most architects need to learn if they want to take their professional prospects to the next level! However,…

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Why should you have a Content Marketing Strategy for your Design Practice?

For architects, content marketing is a valuable tool for taking their career prospects to the next level. Taking your practice online comes with a wide range of benefits. From maintaining online portfolios for a global audience to being up to date with the current architecture trends, the world of the internet has a lot to…

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How to dramatically improve your renders

With content marketing increasingly setting its foot in various sectors and profession, the world is changing its ways rapidly. For a profession like architecture that relies a lot on representation to convince potential clients, presentation becomes a vital factor. With improved rendering, a project’s presentation can be made significantly effective. In an era with daily…

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Digital Fabrication in Architecture

Overview The potential of Digital fabrication in Architecture is increasingly grabbing headlines for a while now. Architects and universities all around the world are discussing projects and experiments to garner the full benefits of technology for architecture practice. Therefore, it is only right to understand today the impact technology has had so far on this…

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